Restore Scar Therapy takes no responsibility for any treatment given by a therapist found on this directory. We recommend when booking, you discuss your individual requirements and ensure your therapist has professional qualifications and insurance before proceeding.
Sian made me feel instantly at ease when treating my burn scars. Her personality and humour is infectious and I forgot I was having treatment. She is clearly knowledgeable and I would be very happy for Sian to continuing working on my scarring knowing I’m in safe hands
I was burned in a gas explosion in Spain in 1984, I got a scar therapy massage from Sian at the Dan’s Fund for Burns charity event (2024) in Newcastle.
I didn’t think there was much that could be done for older scars, I have one on my right arm just at the very bend and it is quite tight. The skin graft is good but the scar around it is tight because of the other scars which are burn scars and not a graft.
After getting the massage I was absolutely amazed the elasticity of the scar and how much more I could straighten the arm. I’m absolutely amazed as was my osteopath who I see for MS. He does a little work on my hand which has extensive burns and my arm but doesn’t do scar massage but does give them a wee stretch and it does feel good. I showed him and he said he has never seen anything like it before! And believe me this guy has done a lot of things, there is not a lot of things this guy doesn’t know!
But this he didn’t know anything about, and I showed him the little sample of the gel which had never seen before. He was totally amazed as am I, my husband, my mum, my family, my friends.
Honestly, Sian has said once the scar has loosened the scar won’t go back, and she is totally right, I keep straightening in my arm and being in absolute aww of the results that I have got. I would recommend that anyone with scars get this treatment, I have never seen anything like it. It has really made me happy to know that old scars can be treated and so again a heartfelt thank you.
I hadn’t heard of scar therapy before but after surgery on my elbow the treatment Sian gave me added to the general rehab and mobility of my arm, releasing the pinch point that was restricting its movement. I hadn’t expected that working on such a small area would provide so much more movement and flexibility to my arm. The massage was so gentle and relaxing, and released tension overall in my arm and body. You’ll be safe in Sian’s healing hands and come away with a wealth of information and more ease in your body.
Hope all well. Now I’ve written that feel I need another session. Let me know when’s best for you.
I feel that I should provide a brief explanation of why I have had treatment.
Following a diagnosis of neck cancer, my treatment with the BRI head and neck department (which is worth a very big thank you) was surgery and radiotherapy. The surgery was external disection of my neck to remove one of two tumors and tonsilectomy to remove the second, then radiotherapy to this area. This left me with deep surgical scaring to my neck, nerve damage, muscle loss to my neck and shoulder as well as soft tissue damage to my throat due to the radiotherapy. Because of this, my neck was very restricted in movement to the one side, my sensory feel to this side of my neck and head was dull, I couldn’t feel touch. The posture to my shoulder on this side had dropped, my muscles to my shoulder and neck felt contracted causing a tightness to this side and affected my throat.
With the therapy that you have given me upto now, the surgical scaring has vastly reduced, the scaring is now softened enabling almost 100 % movement to my neck. My sensory feeling has greatly improved, I can now feel touch to this area. The posture of my shoulder has been greatly improved to around 75% , the muscles in my neck have relaxed more, which is having a knock on affect to my throat, which aiding the improvement to my soft tissue.
Before we started my treatment, it was clear that this was never going to be a quick fix, and although in the early stages the changes with my condition were very small, after time the treatment that you provided started to show the results. Although at present my treatment is ongoing, the benefit so far has been worth it.
For anyone who is looking to improve there recovery, I hope that my experience will support them.
Thank you for your professionalism and energy with my therapy.
When I underwent brain surgery to remove the tumour, the aftermath left me with a visible scar. Initially, these scars caused tightness and discomfort, affecting my daily life. That’s when I discovered the benefits of scar massage and was referred to Sian who had previously dealt with others who had similar scars.
Sian used her skills to loosen and release the tight scar tissue which was causing some discomfort. With each session, the scar softened, its edges becoming less pronounced. The sensory feedback from the scar massage reassured my brain that the affected areas were no longer painful by stimulating blood flow to the scar tissue.
Incorporating scar massage into my rehabilitation plan was a gamechanger. My scar now tells a story of courage, and I wear it with pride. So, if you’re on a similar path, consider scar massage.
I cannot thank Sian enough for her dedication and skills in making it so much better
I can highly recommend Sian’s scar therapy treatment, she achieved amazing results for me, improvements started immediately after the first session!
After major shoulder surgery I was struggling to regain movement in my arm even though I religiously practiced my physiotherapy. After Sian’s treatment plan my scar was reduced and relaxed, pain decreased and movement in my arm increased to near normal.
At my final follow up meeting with my surgeon he said he was amazed at my results as he had not expected my range of movement to be so good after the damage I had sustained!
Thank you Sian, I am forever grateful to you!
I was recommended to Sian Fletcher after having surgery for a severe broken arm which left me with a large scar on my right upper arm after a metal plate was inserted.
Sian has been treating me for a number of months and my scar which was very raised and lumpy is now quite smooth. The colouration has also become far less inflamed as a result of her treatments.
There is still some way to go, but there is a definite improvement due to her professional skills. She has an excellent understanding of how to approach the treatment of my scarring and what is going on underneath the skin. Her very personable nature, experience and knowledgeable background in this area put me at my ease from the very first session.
I am looking forward to further healing as time passes with Sian’s able help.
I have every confidence in Sian’s skill as a therapist dealing with scar tissue (among other therapy skills) and as a client, have no hesitation in writing this testimonial or recommending her to others who need similar treatments.
Going hand-in-hand with these qualities, she has an infectious sense of humour!