general scars
How do I stop my scar itching?
Itchy scars can cause discomfort and distress, but there are ways to stop your scar itching. Our friends at BUGS – Burns Unit Group Support, recently shared some simple ways to help reduce the itch: 1) Keep your scar clean and moisturised Scars should be kept clean as dirt may irritate it and cause infection.…
Read MoreWhy use a Scar cream, oil or gel?
The market is full of products for scars, claiming to help minimise the visual scar…but why do we need to hydrate a scar? What should I check when buying a scar cream oil or gel? These questions are answered by scar tissue specialist Emma Holly. With a clinical practice on Harley Street, London’s most prestigious…
Read MoreHow to care for your C-Section scar
Scar massage can be very helpful when you have had a c-section birth. If you care for your scar little and often with some gentle scar massage this is a great way to help promote healing. Many people massage their scars too hard..but what is the right level of pressure? Check out the ideas in…
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